Want to order a custom-painted dragon hatchling hair clip or brooch? Use the Dragon Designer to test out colour options!
To Design a Dragon
Choose a head colour by clicking on any of the colour options in the "Head Colour" palette.
Choose a tail colour by clicking on any of the colour options in the "Tail Colour" palette.
Add spots (and choose their colour) if you want your dragon to have spots.
Change the background if you'd like, by clicking on one of the four background options.
To Save your Dragon
SAVE by clicking "Save" and giving your dragon a name.
Saving works best in Firefox and Chrome. PLEASE NOTE:If you are using Firefox or Chrome, saving will be automatic. If you are using Internet Explorer, you will need to add .jpg after the name you assign your dragon. If you forget to do this, you can go to where your image saved, and add the extension manually afterwards.
If you post your dragon design on social media, please tag #artbyaelia so that I can check it out!
To Order your Dragon
Click "Save", choose a file location, and give your dragon a name.
Use the order form on this page. Be sure to choose the style of Dragon (hair clip, brooch, or magnet), and attach the image of your dragon.